~*Friends and Enemies~A Wolf RP*~ Accepting!

"Wing's out in the camp." Black grunted. "Ask her if you can share a den with her and me."

Moon stood up and started to follow them.
"Cedar's strong." Stone put in thoughtfully. "And we might want to bring Night, the leader of Sky Pack."

Mist nodded in agreement with him and said,"Let's bring them both. I'll go get Cedar and you can get Night."
"Okay." Stone left.

Cedar was by the small river in the territory. He was deep in thought, staring at his reflection.

(What pack would that be?)

Wing was sitting in camp, eating a rabbit.

Mist headed out of camp after having no luck on finding Cedar in the camp. She found a scent of him and tracked to where he was. She spotted him and called to him,"Cedar."

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