~*Friends and Enemies~A Wolf RP*~ Accepting!

Ice padded out into the woods, trying to scent Zela.

Jay looked a bit frightened. "What?" He asked.

Clover laughed, chasing after her once again.
Fire bounded after her, gaining speed.
Cloud nibbled on Jasper's ear.
Fang gave the signal, a quiet howl. Night, Cedar, and Stone turned to look at what the noise came from, and Wing, Black, and Thistle attacked them from behind. Fang, Snow, and Mist came forwards out at them.
"I-I didnt mean to frighten you." she said quietly.
Ice grinned, then sped off towards camp.
Quote: Jay looked over at Storm. "You heard it too?" He asked. "I think we should go."

Stone threw himself and Black to the ground. Snow scrambled up.
Thistle growled, pinning Night. Night pushed him off and turned to Fang, pushing him off, leaving Mist to deal with Thistle. Night wanted to be the one to kill his brother - or have his brother kill him.
Mint clawed at his underbelly while Wing growled, jumping onto Cedar's back.
Ice grinned, then sped off towards camp.
Jay looked over at Storm. "You heard it too?" He asked. "I think we should go."

Stone threw himself and Black to the ground. Snow scrambled up.
Thistle growled, pinning Night. Night pushed him off and turned to Fang, pushing him off, leaving Mist to deal with Thistle. Night wanted to be the one to kill his brother - or have his brother kill him.
Mint clawed at his underbelly while Wing growled, jumping onto Cedar's back.
Zela growled playfully and ran after him. She shook off the mud as she went.
Ice grinned, then sped off towards camp.
Jay looked over at Storm. "You heard it too?" He asked. "I think we should go."

Stone threw himself and Black to the ground. Snow scrambled up.
Thistle growled, pinning Night. Night pushed him off and turned to Fang, pushing him off, leaving Mist to deal with Thistle. Night wanted to be the one to kill his brother - or have his brother kill him.
Mint clawed at his underbelly while Wing growled, jumping onto Cedar's back.

Storm nodded and said,"Let's go." Storm trotted towards the entrance at a brisk pace.

Mist gave Night a nod and quickly averted her attention to Thistle. She lunged forward at him, aiming for his neck.
Jay followed, somewhat wary.

Thistle ducked, so the blow hit his head, then pushed his paws out towards Mist's chest.

Fang stood on his hindpaws. "So. I see you want to die under my paws."

"Not if you die first." Night replied with gritted teeth, in attack position.

Cedar bit Mint's chest, making her yowl, then pushed Wing off.

Snow, Black, and Stone stared at eachother, all in crouches.
Jay followed, somewhat wary.

Thistle ducked, so the blow hit his head, then pushed his paws out towards Mist's chest.

Fang stood on his hindpaws. "So. I see you want to die under my paws."

"Not if you die first." Night replied with gritted teeth, in attack position.

Cedar bit Mint's chest, making her yowl, then pushed Wing off.

Snow, Black, and Stone stared at eachother, all in crouches.

The idea of a fight didn't really phase Storm. She kept a steady pace, but slowed a little bit when growls and sounds of a fight could be heard. She she looked back at Jay and whispered,"You hear that?"

Mist tumbled over on the ground from the impact. She laid on the ground for moment, slightly dazed, and slowly got back on her paws.

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