Frindizzle's Chat Thread

There isn't a photo. You just said you were getting more goslings and I asked 'what type'. :)
Oops, sorry xP

We don't know yet. We might breed our female Chinese/Emben goose with our Toulouse goose.
How long does a goose egg take to incubate?
The actual period of incubation of goose eggs varies slightly with the breed. Some eggs from the lighter breeds may start pipping after 28 days, while eggs from the larger breeds may take 35 days. It may take up to 3 days for hatching to be completed.
We got a LOT of snow yesterday, plenty over a foot. It was the kind that sticks to the sides of buildings, so I had to go out and uncover all the ventilation holes and dig out the tin copula. The chickens are not going outside today. In fact, I think they are all writing for transfers to a warmer state. I get more notes of complaint then eggs!

Guess what crazy thing I did Tuesday though? I went to TSC for food during Chick Days, (you could hear them anywhere in the store) so instead of buying a whole bunch of fluffy baby chicks I walked out of the store with a grapevine. Completely spur-of-the-moment, but it isn't peeping so my family is happy. I'll be buying a livestock panel and some T posts soon to build a trellis arch, and another vine for the other side. Well, 'soon' as in 'when all this snow melts'. ;)I want to build the arch first and then plant the grapes end of April/begining of May. Untill then all I have to do is keep my cat away from the plants. She will eat any vegitation if it is inside... tomatoes, bell peppers, housplants, started seedlings- she is evil.
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We got a LOT of snow yesterday, plenty over a foot. It was the kind that sticks to the sides of buildings, so I had to go out and uncover all the ventilation holes and dig out the tin copula. The chickens are not going outside today. In fact, I think they are all writing for transfers to a warmer state. I get more notes of complaint then eggs!

Guess what crazy thing I did Tuesday though? I went to TSC for food during Chick Days, (you could hear them anywhere in the store) so instead of buying a whole bunch of fluffy baby chicks I walked out of the store with a grapevine. Completely spur-of-the-moment, but it isn't peeping so my family is happy. I'll be buying a livestock panel and some T posts soon to build a trellis arch, and another vine for the other side. Well, 'soon' as in 'when all this snow melts'. ;)I want to build the arch first and then plant the grapes end of April/begining of May. Untill then all I have to do is keep my cat away from the plants. She will eat any vegitation if it is inside... tomatoes, bell peppers, housplants, started seedlings- she is evil.
Lucky you.... with snow! Chickens really do hate the snow.... my rooster is afraid of it. It's kinda sad..... xP

That's cool! Cats are slightly annoying, eh?

How many chickens do you have?

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