frist egg farts now this


11 Years
Feb 12, 2008
Centerville Texas
Had a RRI that laid 4 egg farts in 2 months. A few people on here said put them on laying pellets instead of scratch. Well I did. She went broody so I let her have a few eggs. When I checked them one of the eggs had broke. This is what I found


you can see that the outside shell broke and there is another shell.
Didn't know how to check the other eggs to see if they were the same. I gave them to a friend ( to finish hatching) when a lady from church gave me peafowl eggs to put under my broody. If the other eggs are like this will the chick be able to get out? this is the only one I found but I sell most of my eggs.

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This picture looks like a whole egg, inside a broken egg shell. Maybe she's eating eggs? I know during hatches in the incubator, eggs will roll into the open shells of other eggs to have this same appearance.

Dang- I know it not terribly rare to have double shelled eggs, but I don't remember where I've seen it. is she a new layer? She might just be adjusting a bit.

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