From Fayettevile NC!


May 7, 2015
Hello! My family and I are currently located in Fayetteville, NC. We dabbled in raising backyard chickens briefly in 2009 before my husband got stationed to Southern CA for a few years, but now we're back (for good) and ready for chickens again! We currently have four 6 week-olds (2 Speckled Sussex, 1 Barnevelder & an EE) and five 1 week-olds (3 Australorps, 1 Jersey Giant & 1 EE). We are still fairly new to the world of BYC, but we have found ourselves increasingly passionate about all things chicken! My other newly acquired interest is photography, and what better to take pictures of than an adorable ball of peeping fuzz?!

Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Awww....absolutely adorable!!
Very nice photography!!

Make yourself at home here and if you have any questions about your babies, feel free to ask around the forums.

Enjoy these cutie pies and welcome to our flock!
We have an expression on here "your chickens are so stinkin' cute." which is meant as a high compliment. I'm wondering how you get them to sit still, do you glue their feet to the table?
You take some beautiful pictures as well. Glad your joined the BYC flock.
It took a couple hours and about 500+ pictures to get one or two that looked okay, which was good practice for me because I'm still learning how to work the camera. Plus, the fuzz balls get handled a lot which I'm hoping will make them more friendly. It seems to be working so far. I'm so glad we got pictures of the little Barnevelder. There was something wrong with him from day one and we lost him last night. :(
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Wow! Those pics are stunning! I'm in to photography and I think those are fantastic! The chicks are adorable! Great breeds you have picked out. I have a speckled sussex as well.
Thank you! It is a lot of fun! My husband had the idea to make a calendar recreating famous movie scenes using chickens. Like.... The Terminator: "I'll be bawk". lol

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