From France


9 Years
Jun 6, 2010
Hello everyone,

I have just found this web page on my frantic search for help with my Duckling. I know - its a forum for chickens but I am desperate.
I live in rural France although I am English by birth. It has taken almost a lifetime to achieve this ambition, but here I am and loving it. I am not a spring chicken as you will have guessed and although I have always had horses and dogs, no matter where I lived, it is the first time I have actually had land of my own. Its a very small smallholding, called a fermette but it is as much as I can cope with. I now have two ponies, one of which I drive with a trap, two goats, two cats, 10 chickens, 3 chicks, one lovely cockerel and four ducklings, plus of course a large vegie patch. I am passionate about my animals and I am delighted to have found a forum of like minded people.
I have an urgent immediate problem however which prompted my search on the internet. Its the weekend, I am in a very rural area and one of the ducklings is very poorly. She is weak, cannot walk more than a couple of steps, she is losing all her newly appearing flight feathers and will not eat or drink. I will, of course, go straight to the vets in the morning but if I could just help her to get through the night, I would be so happy. She is isolated, in a box with straw and wrapped in a small blanket but how can a little creature like that survive for two days without even a drink? She is about 6/7 weeks old by the way. My feeling is that she has some form of defficiency,, but what? The other three are thriving. Any help would be so welcome.
Best Wishes to everyone.
So glad to have you on here. There are duck threads on here so check them out. Hope the poor baby gets better. Sometimes they need niacin, mix it with water 100 to 150 mg per gallon of water. Good luck.
I don't keep waterfowl so I can't help you with the duck. There is a duck specific forum here on the board that you could ask in and likely get some advice.

I can welcome you to the board though. I love to see international members and hear about what they are doing.
Wecome to BYC!

So sorry one of your little ones isn't doing well. When my ducks aren't acting "normal" I usually put some molasses in with their water. Or electrolytes. Or Apple Cider Vinegar. Try posting your question in the Duck area of the forum and hopefully we can help you and your duckling out.
from Ohio. Good advice given. Make sure you give as much info. and you can think of. ex. what kind of feed, housing, bedding, when symptoms started, is it pooping, ect. I hope it gets better.
Well it's about time! I have a Frizzled hen named after you. "Frenchy". I'm glad your here. Now that we're friends can you send me some Marans? Just kidding. Nice to know you. Thanks for the Statue.

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