Frostbite, maybe?!


Jul 3, 2015
Crozet, VA
I'm new to raising chickens. Picked up 3 Barred Rock Hens, 1 BR Roo, and 4 sex links. My Roo (Rudy), seems to have these dark parts on the tips of his comb. A little paranoid that the recent drop in temps at night may be causing frostbite. I'm in VA and their coop has windows on the left side with screens and a large rectangular vent opening on the right side. I leave both sides open. Should I close the larger window? I've included pics of Rudy (the best I could get). They were pullets when I got them, so they only let me get so close. Thanks in advance for any advice!

Worried momma
It could be mild frostbite but doesn't look serious. Don't close up the coop. That causes a humidity buildup which contributes to frostbite. I'm sure it gets colder here than there, my coops are wide open and my roosters have much bigger combs and wattles than rocks.
I leave a hanging water dispenser in the coop. Should I take that out? It must have been really cold last night, because the water outside the coop had frozen on top. Pretty thick. I'm doing deep litter method, so maybe I can add some more pine shavings. Thank you for letting me know about the humidity. I wasn't sure if maybe it was too much ventilation!
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More likely too little ventilation.
Does the water add humidity or make the bedding wet?
I have a remote hygrometer that I move from coop to coop. If it is more than 10% higher humidity in the coop than ambient, I know I have a problem.
All my new coops have huge hardware cloth covered windows on both the east and west walls (between 1/4 and 1/3 of the wall space)
I'm researching some powered ventilation options for the older buildings.
I took pics of my coop. I have hardware wire on all windows but it's smaller opening to try to keep snakes out. I don't have anything to measure humidity, so I need to get one to keep in the coop. Thank you for that advice. I would not have thought about that.




So... I received my acurite today and it looks like the numbers are reading (right now) 32 degrees F inside the coop with 35% humidity. Outside, the temperature is reading 29 degrees with 47% humidity. I'm assuming that is a good thing right? Since the humidity inside the coop is lower and temp is slightly warmer?

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