frostbite on rabbit's foot

I think it is probably sore hocks, which appears to be a raw, bald patch of skin on the rabbit's hock. this is caused when a heavier rabbit lives in a hutch or cage with a wire bottom. All of my rabbits have cage mats to prevent this from happening. I would guess it's not frostbite because rabbits have thick fur on their paws/feet.
How do you keep them from chewing up the mats?
his toenails were TERRIBLE they were at least an inch long
we would've clipped them earlier but we didn't notice (his nails grow fast)
might be urine scald i will check
Is it possible to build him a pen and have a wire skirt around the pen burried about 12 to 14 inches on the outside perimeter so he has access to ground to dig and wear down his toenails?
Of course you monitor his digging too..
Temps have to be well below freezing for frostbite to occur with a bunny. More than likely below 0 for an extended time. Something else is wrong. Do not put oil of any type on his feet. Most are toxic and he will lick the oil off his feet. Urine scald as above. If he is a big, heavy bunny you will probably have to get him off the wire and give him something solid to sit on. His feet need to remain clean and dry.
To answer your question, @yickenscarf23, I buy the more expensive, but harder plastic mats. Plus, my rabbits have sticks and pine-cones to chew on, so they usually are pretty good about not chewing litter boxes, food bowls, mats, etc. They also are let out into ground pens on warm, dry days.

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