Frostbite preventative measures


5 Years
Aug 3, 2014
Have read that you can apply vaseline or bag balm to the comb and wattles to protect them from the cold. Experienced folks, what have you found to work best or do you have other suggestions? I know that keeping the coop dry is key and good ventilation but I am trying to get my medical kit up to speed so I can be ready if it gets really cold.
Petroleum jelly does work, but you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned ventilation. If that humidity can't escape, this you'll lose those tips of the comb....And I imagine it probably hurts.
I'm north of you, and in the winter, get temps down into the single digits. With that cold air coming right off the Chesapeake bay. I have some BRs, with some good sized combs on them, and have never had any problems with frostbite. I don't put anything on them. My coop is unheated, uninsulated, and open-air(The whole front wall is open). The key, as mentioned, is good ventilation. Don't fall into the trap of closing your coop up, in some misguided attempt to "Keep them warm". Keeping them in a poorly ventilated box causes a lot more problems than just some cold weather.
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Thanks for the advice everyone!! I am in the Piedmont of NC. We can have very mild winters or harsh ones. This year many are predicting colder so I want to be prepared!
You're in North Carolina, I'm thinking even your "harsh" winters aren't going to be a danger to your birds. Folks in the very northern US and Canada do okay with only keeping their birds dry most of the time, so were I you I wouldn't stress over it.
You're in North Carolina, I'm thinking even your "harsh" winters aren't going to be a danger to your birds. Folks in the very northern US and Canada do okay with only keeping their birds dry most of the time, so were I you I wouldn't stress over it.
Thanks!! It is like being a first time parent. You stress over things you shouldn't!

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