Frosted bathroom windows for use in coop?


8 Years
Mar 22, 2011
Echo, Oregon
We found these windows, they are frosted and ment to be used vertically but we want to place them horisonalty with the slides on the outside do you think they will work?
this is the original way..

and this how we want to use them, with 1/2" hardware cloth behind them on the inside of the coop


any thoughts on this
Do the windows slide.
Sometimes slider windows have drainage holes on the bottom - you should check if they have them and see if they may need them when mounted on the side. Just check where the water would sit and if it floods the track, make some small holes so it seeps out the front. If you don't have the holes - the track could flood and then leak on the inside.

You should be able to use them.
First, the chickens don't know about frosted or non-frosted glass. Use 'em.
Second, if you're concerned about the weep holes in the window frames just drill some new ones. After all it's just a chicken coop.
Thanks everyone,
I had not thought that far about the weep holes. now will drill more. I want to have one permantly inplace, the other at the SE side I would like to have off during good weather and put in place during winter. Also should the windows slide down or up in your opinion?
Thanks for the help
Do they lock? I can't tell by looking. If they don't I'd probably put them up so they slide up to open, down to close. Then you can use a stick or something to prop them open in nice weather and just slide them down in bad weather. I'd definitely use them!
I'm thinking you could use them either way. Sliding up to open would need a stick to prop it open. Sliding down to open, would need a stick if you only wanted it part way. They look EXACTLY like my office windows (except for the frosting part. mine are clouded between glass due to a faulty seal.)

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