Frozen eggs


Sep 22, 2015
Hello! I'm new to backyard chickens. The weather has finally hit winter! We have had some frozen, not cracked eggs. I know this because I was curious and cracked a couple to see inside. I have left them sitting out like I do all the other eggs. Should I be refrigerating the frozen eggs or are they still safe to eat if I leave them on the counter? Just wondering what other people do. Thank you!
I don't personally keep my frozen eggs, I feed them back to my chickens, once they are cracked bacteria can enter the eggs easily, I don't like getting sick.
If they're not cracked, I use them just as I do the refrigeration.
Course I can't tell if they're frozen if they're not cracked,
but I assume I get a few that are frozen even tho I try to collect frequently on frigid days.

Some folks say you can spin them to tell if they are frozen of not, but I've never figured that one out.

There are many opinions on how to handle frozen eggs.
Check out this search I've done for you, lots to read:
advanced search>titles only>frozen eggs
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