Frugal Pattern Quilt Block Swap (Sign-up ends 6/18/11)

You know you don't need to put them together if you want you can just trim the small blocks to 6 and 1/2 inches. But if you are you need to trim the small ones so they match up when you put them together.
Acre of Blessings,

you should get a count of who wants them together.

I don't want to send mine all apart if anyone wants them put together, I will put them together for the one's that want them together.
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Ii thought we already done that and the majority wanted theirs not put together, anyways

I need a head count again as to who wants their blocks together or if not. Just type in together or not together....the majority rules.
I don't want mine together, but if you havea lready put them together thats perfectly fine.

Not Together Together
Acre of Blessings
sunrise farms
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Sorry it has been so long since I posted - Acre: gorgeous grandchild, congrats!! Coyote: sorry you have been sick
jc12551: sorry about your grandma, that stinks Chicken Algebra: wow your doing a swap while incubating twins!!

And as far as how I want my blocks - I dont care - together, apart - its all good

Sorry about mine being together, the rules were changed after I finished my blocks.

My life is a little crazy right now. School has started again and I homeschool, karate started again and yes that includes me (I'm only an orange belt), I have finished the blocks for a full sized quilt and have began putting them together but took a break and do a baby quilt for friends of the family and just found out I am going to be an aunt (my sister is pregnant) so I need to start on that quilt, my dog delivered 4 puppies four weeks ago so they are just starting to run around and we are doing renovations to the house for a homestudy so we can adopt 2 more kids. I feel a bit frazzled right now. I will post pics in the near future of quilts and maybe puppies (not as exciting as babies mind you
Mine are also sewn together, they were done that way before I knew about the change.

Actually I had originally sewn mine together mixed up like the pic showed, then had to rip those all apart to put only like fabrics together, but then the ones that were ripped apart sewed back together about 1/4 - 1/2 inch to small on the finished block so then I started all over and sewed all like fabric together w/ new blocks. So I have all like fabric blocks that are together and the correct size, I have a stack of mixed fabric large blocks that are just slightly smaller then the correct size, but I don't know if I have any finished small blocks not sewn (I don't think I do but I'll check) haven't sewn in over a month, been chained to the garden.
My head hurts after reading this.
You poor girl. Dang, had you left the first one's together I could use them.
but but but did you answer Acre's question? Do you want your's together or apart?
I think you better get them back together.
Honestly I don't care, if everyone is leaving their seperate that is fine w/ me, but all mine unless I find some I had forgotten about will be together.

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