Frugal Pattern Quilt Block Swap (Sign-up ends 6/18/11)

Got 8 more done tonight so feeling pretty good about that considering I left the house at 7:30 this morning and didn't make it back until well after 8 tonight. DH is working really late all this week so I am a single momma for the week. No practices and no meetings tomorrow night so hoping to get home early and get chores and homework done early so I can bust some more out.

Still hoping all is well with everyone dealing with the flooding. Hoping it will dry up soon!!
I just looked and they are due by next Monday. I'm sending mine out today. I will get back on here with my confirmation number. Hope everyone gets them in on time. I can't wait to see them.
Feeling pretty proud of myself and all! I have 28 all sewn and trimmed and ready to send. The other 20 are cut and all I need to do is sew and trim and that's the easy part. Am contemplating at least sewing them tonight but may wait as it's almost 11pm and I am beyond exhausted. Will see if I can post some pics once they are all done.

Just curious Acre when you might do the next swap? A few of my girlfriends and I get together for a weekend about every 3-4 months and they scrapbook and I sew. We rent a lodge in the mountains and we spend Friday thru Sunday just having fun. This would be a perfect time for me to get the stuff done for another.
Probably a week or 2 after this swap is done. I know some will send in later but I hope to have them all by next Monday but Lord willing, no later than next Wednesday. Also, the next swap will probably be a "2 1/2" Strip Swap" I love working with strips but we will see. We may wind up doing another block swap or something....I must consult with my side-kick ginbart first.
I have not yet been released from this hospital fun. Sigh. My temp went back up, so new antibiotic, hope it works, and I get to go home tomorrow to kick the sewing machine around until it works again. I think it's the timing, and I can usually fix that, but DD doesn't know how. If so, we'll get them done this weekend.

If it's not, ugh. I really don't want to chicken out at the last minute, I feel horrible about not being done
Life kind of took a major left turn this last month.
Algebra, if you cant do it due to circumstances I would be happy to pick up the slack. I could do them in the next couple of days and send them out Monday or Tuesday. I would need to know very soon and that it is OK with you and Acre. I understand this is another stess that you have and if you want to do it and can - great - but if you cant and it is good with you, I will turn in an extra set. Let me know.
O.K. I received a package but I don't know who's it is..........the last name is Hazel.........please let me know who you are.

Also, please add a note with your screen name on it so I'll know who the package belongs to. thank you
If you could, that would be wonderful!!! Thank you sooooooooo much! Sigh, the easy pregnancy turned into a bit of a hassle in the end. Still, if not for this silly bug, I'd be home and likely done.

But the boys are both fat and healthy, so it will all turn out fine in the end!

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