Frustrated by Jello eggs and no shell at all!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 24, 2009
Carver MA
I have 6 BSL that have been laying for about 4-6 weeks now. Over the past few weeks we have been getting jello eggs and eggs w/ no shell at all. I am finding 1 or 2 a day. They are all on Blue shield layer pellets and I have oyster shells at free choice. They don't seem interested in the oyster shells at all. They free range for about 8- 10 hours a day then are locked in there run at night. I give them leftovers and treats daily. I have also been adding ACV to their water.

Can anyone help me?

That can happen with new layers. If you want to add more calcium, give them dairy and/or dark green leafy veggies.

Good luck

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