

5 Years
Sep 3, 2015
i posted earlier that I had 3 hens who were 6 to 7 mos old and had not laid. Well about 11/2 weeks ago Easter Egger started laying and we have 6 eggs from her. BUT still nothing from the Barnvelder or Orpington. Any ideas!
Chickens will lay at different times. When we first started with 10 chickens (now I have 68) they all laid at different times. I remember they all laid about 8 months after being born but one refused to lay until she was almost 11 months old! :eek:
They lay in good time. Each breed is different at which age they come to maturity and we are in the winter in which daylight hours have dwindled to less than the needed 14 hours to stimulate the hen to lay eggs. Some owners add supplemental light but I do not. If they don’t lay now in November-December then they may wait till spring.
My previous batch of hens I added supplemental light but I ha e decided not to do that with this group and just allow nature to take its course. I need to be patient I know!
My previous batch of hens I added supplemental light but I ha e decided not to do that with this group and just allow nature to take its course. I need to be patient I know!
Yep patience is the best way to figure this out!

I use a light in my coop only because we sell our duck and chicken eggs and make quite a bit of money but I know @Ducksandchickens doesnt use light Because they don’t need eggs ( I know many other members do too but ik Ducksandchickens)
Yep! I have 4 girls all 22 weeks and nothing yet. I am happy to wait till spring. If sooner will be pleasantly surprised. :)
One of my 7 month old barred rocks just started laying. That means that I'm pretty sure all 4 of my pullets from this year are now. Considering the 8 older girls all appear to have stopped to molt, I feed 13 birds and get 3-4 eggs a day. Not ideal,but that's the way it goes. It just takes time.

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