FS: Chicken saddles (wing protector) and goose, duck, chicken diapers

I purchased 4 diapers as a birthday gift for my wife. I had them sent to my mother in laws and she wrapped them for her. So my wife never suspected anything until she was done opening gifts and I said - "hey, it looks like there is one more". She was very surprised. It was exactly what I had hoped for. Tess, helped so much and got these done so fast. I am very pleased with them and since I had not seen them until last night, I kept thinking about the colors and just how they will look. I think they turned out great and my wife wanted to make sure I told everyone how much she likes them.

I do have to admit one thing, people who don't have chickens visit them in the house, do not understand how nice these will be to use. When you tell someone you got chicken diapers..... I had someone think that was slang for ???. and she asked me - what are chicken diapers? Well you know what a chicken is? You know what a diaper is? now imagine the chicken in the house. you want chicken diapers. Everyone who knew about this gift has had so much fun talking about the diapers.

Tess, thank you so much all your help and the speed in which you made these and got them out. I could not be more pleased. I will post a picture or two after we get the girls all dressed up to "GO IN".
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ThAnK yOu!!!

I just wanted to say thank you. You did an absolute marvelous job! The fabric choices are beautiful and I appreciate the fine stitching, and the lining in the cup is a nice touch.

Below is a photo of our Sussex named Baby.

I have the front elastic pinned up to fit her better. She's only 20 weeks old, so I'm sure it will fit better once she's full grown. So I dressed up her and set her on the floor and the diaper must have shifted because her leg actually got caught in the darn thing. Second time I pinned it up even more, but the same thing happened. She was a trooper though, but I was getting a little stressed out. I also had one of our SLW's try on a diaper but I didn't have it pinned up enough and she was stressing out.

I'll get better photos once the hens and I are acclimated. I just wanted to thank you. My hubby certainly surprised me. I wasn't expecting it at all, but I've been talking about wanting them for some time now. What a sneaky husband I have

I told him its a good thing we don't have cows or horses, because I'd probably want them to come inside too, and I don't think there are diapers that large
Great. I know I made them a little big because they were still growing. You can pin the front part too. Just fold it accordian syle and safety pin both sides. That may work better. YOu can also safety pin the elastic a little too. It's better to do that than buying new diapers every few weeks as they grow.
Thanks for the pic. That one looks great on her!
I got my diapers. Well, I can definitely say that they have become a great source of entertainment. Are my chickens suppose to stagger around like drunks, falling over, walking backwards and crying incessantly? Cause Indy threw the mother of all tantrums. She is also able to weasel her way out of her diaper. Ruby, my tiny Frizzle can wiggle out of hers too. So tonight I pinned them. I sure hope it helps keep them ON them! These girls still have a lot of growing to do. Ruby is finally getting her feathers back in too. She is currently wearing her diaper and sitting in my lap. She refuses to get down and walk around in it. I assume all chickens need some time to adjust? How long before they realize it's NOT coming off so they can just poop where they want? It was hilarious watching Indy. She can throw a tantrum with the best of them, she really can. A cranky 3 year old has nothing on her! She was jumping all over the living room screaming and slamming into the furniture, I assume trying to make us feel sorry for her. We were all laughing too hard to feel sorry. I suppose that makes us mean. But she has to have it on. My 10 year old DD was trying to explain that we weren't treating her like a chicken at all, instead we were treating her like a HUMAN baby. And they HAVE to wear diapers. Indy just eyeballed her like she was on to her. It was hilarious. Now Ruby is on the floor jumping around. They're both mad at me for making it so they can't escape their diapers. Ah, I'm such a mean mommy...
Hopefully they grow quickly so they fit into them better. They will get more comfortable with them as they grow. Just like the saddles. My polish hated hers at first but now she doesn't mind it at all.
This is my first time ever useing a sight like this so please excuse me if I mess things up. I am in desperate need of some chicken saddles with wing protectors. I have nine chickens and no rooster so I know that they are plucking each others feathers. They had quit for a while and it looked like they were going to grow some back, then yesterday when I went out to feed them there were feathers all over the yard and they are all bald again. How would I go about ordering some for my poor bald chickens. Winter is comeing soon and I am scared to death they are going to freeze to death if I do not do something soon. Thank you very much Dee

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