Fun with a cow


9 Years
Mar 26, 2010
I got to go help on a friend's goat farm & she has the most adorably plumpy Steer calf, Benny, that I have known since he was 4 days old. He remembers me too!! When I call his name he walks his furry form with his dear little calf eyes over to me, & I kiss the heack out of his ears, nose & have gotten a lick now & then. His tongue makes me giggle its big & purple!!! the other night I sang him a song & scratched his ears. I had on my black leather jacket & he dicided it was very tasty & kept licking it. Does that count as a cleaning> Its cheaper than dry cleaning, sort of a Moo-Cleaning.
I had the fun of stepping in a big cow pie but thats ok as long as I could stay with him & he mooed at me, he has such beautiful eyelashes & is so gentle!!

(Thanx for letting me daydream here its been a horrible month & a half-the hubby's paranoid & I'm throwing up every day)

Thank you, Benny!

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