Fun with oatmeal


12 Years
May 13, 2007
North Central Texas
A couple of weeks ago, I noticed a post here that mentioned offering chicks wet oatmeal as a treat. For some reason, I hadn't connected the dots and offering our 4 week old chicks treats had not come to mind. I guess I'm a slow learner.

So my grand daughter and I decided to see if the chicks would eat oatmeal out of our hands. After a few minutes where we held our hands out and got very still, curiosity overcame one of the chicks. As soon as one seemed to be getting something, everyone had to try. My granddaughter had the biggest smile on her face as 6 or 7 chicks swarmed around her trying to take oatmeal out of her hand.

Last weekend, our now 7 week old chicks were outside roaming around the yard. I sat down about 10 feet away from the flock and held out a hand full of oats. I called 'here chicky, chicky'; just like I've seen on TV. None seemed to notice until one about 15 feet away looked up and started racing towards me. She looked like she was doing a 100 yard dash. In a couple of second, I was being swarmed by 6 or 7 chicks. Now, I had the biggest smile.

I'd like the thank the person who wrote that post, but it is lost in the flow here. So, I'll thank anyone who has ever posted something about treats! I can't tell you how much I appreciate the idea.

How cute! Now, when you're brave enough, try meal worms. Watch out though... you may lose a finger!

I've found that little treats like that is the best way to get to the young one's hearts. Something about you feeding them by hand makes them trust you more.
The chicks are now 5 months old. They have become complete beggars, ... or else they love me a lot. If I get home from work before they go to sleep, when I get out of my car, a bunch will come running from the bushes. There is nothing quite like seeing a well rounded hen do a 20 yard dash heading directly at you. It always makes me laugh.

I split some grapes yesterday for the youngsters. First, the strange looking orbs were intruders. Then, the brave houdan chick grabbed funny - the others tripped over each other to get their's. Looked like a child's easter egg hunt.

Early on, I gave them applesauce topped with their mash. It was everywhere. The next time I went out, they were jumping on my arm, before I could set the tray down.

Tomorrow, I'm going to give the older ones a treat of Moist and Meaty dog someone suggested.

I can't believe the enjoyment that my chickens give me!
How old do they have to be before you can give these treats? We have 1 1/2 week olds and I would love to do this!
Ours love both cooked and uncooked oatmeal--
we make the cooked kind real thick so it can be sliced when cold....
They also like corn mush (The kind ya slice and fry-- but before it's fried!)
and plain yogurt they go NUTS for!
It is HILARIOUS to hold out the spoon and watch evryone trying to get their mouthful!

I had the same question about treats--especially the yogurt-- we started at around 3-4 weeks... we now have some youger babies (2weeks) but am afraid to give it to them yet.

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