Funniest Chicken Pic Contest


6 Years
Nov 24, 2013
This is just for the sake of winning just for fun
Please post a funny picture of your chicken (s) Any age or breed
Please Not more than 3 entries per round
Everybody's a winner
Rounds of 12
Just have fun

No cursing or derogatory things please

No editing of the pictures please
Yes about Speach bubbles
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Surely there are more funny chicken pictures out there? I clicked on this thread expecting dozens! Here is my little flock going "Oh crap!" during horsey playtime.


During our minus degree time. She seems to be asking..when? When will this cold end?

During our minus degree time. She seems to be asking..when? When will this cold end?
I love how she's keeping one leg off the ground.
Cute photo!

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