Funniest CHicken Picture- ends 1st April *Prize* CLOSED! judging now..

Haha, I wish! It'd be even funnier! I gently slipped him in the can and slowly flipped it over for a photo. I've wanted to re-shoot it with a real chicken noodle soup can, but I've never gotten to it.
Not the greatest picture especially since the poor hen has feathers missing cause of the roo but I still thought it was funny and I took it today.

Name: No names
Breeds: RIRs, WLR Cornish roo, Barred Rocks?, BLR Wyandotte roo's beak, white and black Langshans, White Leghorn, RIR/WL mix, Cochin
Describe your picture in three words: Where's the food? or Kiss my feet. (from the RIR hen)

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Hard to compete with chicken noodle soup (by the way, it that chicken even alive?) but I'll give it a whirl
Name: Little Speck
Breed: Speckled Sussex
"You said what?"

Name: Roxie
Breed: Barred Rock
"Just clowning around"

Name: none
Breed: SLW
"Walk this way"

Name: none yet
Breed: Speckled Sussex in Speckled Sussex
"Hide and Seek"

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