Funny names.

My Dentists name is DR. MAYBE.

I love the dr. named Robin Banks.
But Justin Inch cracked me up.
I am very brave - my dentist's name is Dr. Payne.

But I used to know some one named Pat Touey ~~~ I don't know what his parents were thinking!

I also knew woman who wanted to name her baby Syphillis. She thought it sounded pretty. I talked her into Phyllis. Somewhere in the world there is a woman named Phyllis who really owes me one!!
When I was twelve years old, I went to school with a poor unfortunate girl whose surname was Ho. (That's not the unfortunate part. It's the combination....) Her parents, attempted to Anglicize her with a nice American first name of "Heidi."

That was 45 years ago. I often wonder what name she has taken as an adult.
I went to school with a girl named Holly Day, and another girl named Stormy Sea. Our vets name was Dr. Bird, no lie! I guess with a name like that you have no choice but to work with animals.

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