[FUNNY] When a Pit Bull Attacks (wrapping paper)

Or to kids who need good excuses for why they can't turn in homework assignments. You could rent him out by the day or week....
EEKK!! I'm not bringing my presents anywhere near you and your vicious dog! My snowballs either for that matter! Of course I can't really have snowballs because my chessie is a very effective snowball eliminator.

I love Diesel and all his antics. Thank you for sharing them with us.

To all others who have posted pics of your dogs, they are all lovely and I am always so amazed at how sleek and shiny pitbills can be.

Holiday Hugs!
For Beekissed --

1. Even a pomeranian has been known to kill a human -- an infant on a bed, in fact. ANY breed of dog can kill.
2. The term "pit bull" is widely misused by the general public. In many many cases, dogs that attack humans are labeled as "pit bulls" no matter what breed or breed mix they may actually be.
3. Pit bulls were specifically created to NOT be aggressive towards people. Even fighting dogs. The owners had to be able to enter the fighting ring to separate the fighting dogs without getting attacked themselves.

For the OP --

Here are pics of my own vicious killer pit mix, Bubba, with two of my vicious killer dobermans:


You all have beautiful dogs - Pit or not!

I've edited some negative posts here, and if we see any further ones, this thread will be closed. Final warning, folks. Thank you, Iowa Roo Mom, for changing your title voluntarily and not getting offended by negative opinions.​
I think I need to borrow that precious thing to shred the junkmail....is there a shredder rental fee?
I had a rednose pit when I was a teenager...Tazmanian Devilboy "Taz" for short. He got the name because he would run and grab the newspaper when it was thrown every morning and shred it before we could get to it. The deliver guy started throwing two papers....one to one side of the yard for Taz and one to the other side for my dad. He would jump the 5' chainlink fence to get at that newspaper.
He also had a thing for Lays potato chip bags.

He was a sweetie though...loved him greatly.
Would that dog be good for junk mail, flyers and freebies in the packages?????? I would have to remove the hand lotion samples and shampoo samples out of the envelopes!

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