Fuzz between scales on feet of my buff orp????


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 5, 2012
Ord Nebraska
  • This is about my chick ruby who already is believed to be a roo-by. She's about to be 2 months old and I'm noticing that he has what looks like tiny fuzz comin through between the scales on her little feet? Is this bad? The other two pellets do not have this only ruby. Mind you she may be a roo but I can't completely tell yet, even if she was I didn't think buffs had feathered or fuzzy feet whether they are a roo or not??? So my question is why is this happening and do buff Roos have feathered feet ever or is this a diseas or something
If it looks like baby chick fuzz then it might not be leg mites. here is a pic of a buff rooster he has leg feathers.
Do you have pics? could help to figure it out......Good Luck.

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Any breed of chicken can have sprigs. Pluck them if they bother you, or if you are going to show them. It's kinda like a uni-brow on people, lol.
If it looks like baby chick fuzz then it might not be leg mites. here is a pic of a buff rooster he has leg feathers.
Do you have pics? could help to figure it out......Good Luck.

I'll take a picture when I get home, in about 3 hours. It just looks like little sprouts of baby fuzz almost on the web part of her toes, like the part where the toes start from the foot lol if you know what I'm trying to say lol but I'll get a picture soon

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