Fuzzy's Farm

LOL, I am so old school. I still have a cheap-o flip phone that really doesn't do squat. LOL. I am happy with it though since I don't use it but when I am at work or taking pictures real quick of stuff.
Ohhh I use mine continuously. Never go even outside without it. I text, I talk, I do the Internet. Everything on my phone when I am away from my computer.
Ah.... you are one of THOSE people. LOL. John is like that. He gets so mad at me when he tries to call me and I do not answer the cell phone. I tell him, call the darn land-line idiot. He says, what is the point of my having a cell phone if I don't use it. I tell him, I have the cell phone in case my car breaks down, or someone needs to get a hold of me while I am working, that being my mom or the school... That's it. I don't use it otherwise.

It is thundering out. I ran out and just got the clothes off the line. Going to have to let some hang with the fan on them to finish them up. Oh, so close! But I got all the needed things washed at least!
Seems we have a fox issue now. Well, I don't, but the neighbor does. They thought it was a hawk taking the birds, but he just caught a fox in the act of trying. They've lost 3 including their little D'uccle cross. Anyway, he was out to bury his little dog, she was old and passed away last night, and while he was digging the hole he saw it before it saw him. Well, now he know what took out some of his girls and ripped the tail out of one of the buffs last week. I think I mentioned that here, that one of his BO's came to visit along with a few other birds and were hanging out in my coops and run a few days in a row and I thought one of my birds had beat up one of his birds... Well, now we know. Maybe that is why my silkies were hiding in the garage last night behind the old washer machine....

Well anyway, time for the bigger trap...
Ah.... you are one of THOSE people. LOL. John is like that. He gets so mad at me when he tries to call me and I do not answer the cell phone. I tell him, call the darn land-line idiot. He says, what is the point of my having a cell phone if I don't use it. I tell him, I have the cell phone in case my car breaks down, or someone needs to get a hold of me while I am working, that being my mom or the school... That's it. I don't use it otherwise.

It is thundering out. I ran out and just got the clothes off the line. Going to have to let some hang with the fan on them to finish them up. Oh, so close! But I got all the needed things washed at least!
Yup.....I am one of THOSE people hahahaha
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Very slow here today. I wonder how many more cots hatched... And how her girl is doing today. Have you talked to Kim at all yet? Such a stressful thing to have to deal with right now...
I have not talked to her today yet. Kim has to have nerves of steel to deal with what she is dealing with. And she is such a wonderful person. Always thinking of someone else and never herself.
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LOL, I am so old school. I still have a cheap-o flip phone that really doesn't do squat. LOL. I am happy with it though since I don't use it but when I am at work or taking pictures real quick of stuff.
What did we do before cell phones? There are days I would go back to tin cans with string and oops , the string broke.

I have even at times forgot about my phone and left it in my car for several days. I'm not a phone glued to the hip person either.

Hi all
I've been outside working most of the day. Scared off a hawk, scrubed out coop and cleaned waterers. Then I've been raking up pine needles and leaves, Hope to get that done before it rains. Don't know about that sun went away.
Catch ya all, later.

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