FYI- use caution, esp. children!


10 Years
Feb 12, 2009
Western North Carolina
While cleaning the brooder (usually the babies are out and running around while I change the paper) one chick "Marmelade" came back in the brooder and pecked me right in the open eye. A trip to Urgent Care (injured cornea) and $250.00. I have learned to keep my face well away from even the babies.
Needless to say, Marmelade better be an excellent layer when she grows up, cause she's on my poop list until she pays up.
$250 is a LOOOOOTTTTT of eggs she owes you!

Plus you have to sue her for pain and suffering - I've had an injured cornea (chemical burn) and it was the worse pain I've ever had and I had 4 babies with no drugs at all. I'd have another labor any day rather than another eye injury.

The only good thing about those types of injuries is that the eyeball heals the fastest of all tissue types so at least the pain is not long term

Heal well!

Chickens explore the world with their beaks. For them, everything in their enviroment is put through a rigorous flow chart:

PECK, is is edible? ->Yes -> peck again to consume
. -> No -> peck again to be sure
I was adding extra chicken wire around the bottom of the run last weekend and darn if the chickens think it was hilarious to nip my fingers every time I stuck them near the wire.

Ouch ~ Yeah, she better lay some golden eggs! LOL

My broody got me on the bottom lip about a week ago. All I ended up with was a mouth full of dirt! She must've just pecked the ground before pecking me.

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