Gamble Quail Mom


Jun 26, 2022
Hello. I am raising a wild gambles quail that showed up in my kitchen 2 months ago when it was only a day or two old . I did try to get it adopted with other quail families to no avail. I am quite attached to her and she has her forever home with me. My question is this.. I will be going on vacation for two weeks. She has imprinted on me and we spend most of the day together and snuggles at night before I put her to bed . Will she be ok with someone else watching her and taking care of her? I don’t want her to think hve abandined her . Do I sound like a crazy bird lady? 😂
Howdy, :frow and Welcome to Backyard Chickens.

Happy :ya to have you here with us. Enjoy your time here at BYC!

She may shy away from someone else and may even be frightened by them but she'll get over it pretty quickly if the other person is offering her something to eat. Best of luck with your quail.

Thanks for joining our community! :celebrate
Howdy, :frow and Welcome to Backyard Chickens.

Happy :ya to have you here with us. Enjoy your time here at BYC!

She may shy away from someone else and may even be frightened by them but she'll get over it pretty quickly if the other person is offering her something to eat. Best of luck with your quail.

Thanks for joining our community! :celebrate
Thank you!

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