Gander Molting - Missing Feathers


May 8, 2020
Finger Lakes, NY/5B
Okay, so I was going to post to just double check that this sort of patch on my gander is normal during breeding season. I saw a few threads where people kind of confirmed similar situations (no pictures available). But then my dude went for a swim and when he got out this huge patch is clearly gone! It was not like this this morning and I've been checking him (and all the birds) for mites/lice ever since he started losing chest feathers, but I've never found any.

I've seen my goose nip him in a similar spot when he's trying to mate and she's not having it, I'm wondering if she ripped this chunk out? I got a close look and I can see new tips coming in, but dang this looks bad right?

First pic - totally dry, Second pic - right after a swim


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