Gander or Geese better as pets???


what's quackalackin?
10 Years
Jan 8, 2010
I am looking at raising a gosling later in the years (when the aussie breeding season starts) and am looking at Pilgrims because of their sex-link feature. I am now confused as to get male or female?? SOme posts say that their male is timid and kindd while the female dominant other are the complete opposite.... so should i start with a agnder or a goose?? It is just as a pet to be kept with ducks and as a gurdian.... Also whats your opinion on Pilgrims?? Pics very welcome
? Thanks guys!
If you just have one it doesn't matter because that thing is going to bond with you and it's never going to want to leave you. I've had two geese, put only one at a time and they were both hens, but they are the smartest of all the fowl I think and make the best pets.
Thanks thats great i just didnt want to get one that would mature and attack me when it grows....... Thanks!
what breed was yours???
Either gender can dominate, They are individuals and are somewhat like Humans in that respect, on the whole the males can dominate but we all know of couples where the female wears the pants in the family. Get a gander if you are sure you can dominate him, he is more likely to act as a guardian for your flock. Actually I recomend a pair, they would be less likely to follow you around looking for sex.
Either gender can dominate, They are individuals and are somewhat like Humans in that respect, on the whole the males can dominate but we all know of couples where the female wears the pants in the family. Get a gander if you are sure you can dominate him, he is more likely to act as a guardian for your flock. Actually I recomend a pair, they would be less likely to follow you around looking for sex.

Either gender can dominate, They are individuals and are somewhat like Humans in that respect, on the whole the males can dominate but we all know of couples where the female wears the pants in the family. Get a gander if you are sure you can dominate him, he is more likely to act as a guardian for your flock. Actually I recomend a pair, they would be less likely to follow you around looking for sex.


Either gender can dominate, They are individuals and are somewhat like Humans in that respect, on the whole the males can dominate but we all know of couples where the female wears the pants in the family. Get a gander if you are sure you can dominate him, he is more likely to act as a guardian for your flock. Actually I recomend a pair, they would be less likely to follow you around looking for sex.

I used to have a male goffin cockatoo that would constantly follow me around and hump whatever part of me he could reach. If anybody else came near me he'd attack them.
Geese absolutely need a mate. I think they would be quite unhappy alone, mine are always with their mates.

They're not the greatest guardians, I had a coyote kill two of mine.

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