Gape Worms

I have a 17 week old Rhode Island Red. She is lethargic, nit able to stand, drinking some but not eating. She is shaking her head some and appears to have something in her throat. I assume gape worms. We de-wormed the flock last night and she's worse today. Is there anything I can do to save her?

She's gone. 😭💔
Thanks for all your advice.
I'm sorry for your loss.

The only way you will know what happened and what may have been in her throat would be to have a necropsy performed.
If you still have the body, then wrap it in plastic and refrigerate it. Make arrangements to send the body to your state lab, they will give you a report on their findings. This way you can use the information to make any corrections to feed or flock management or have direction whether the rest of your birds need any type of treatment. You can find your lab here:

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