

Sep 11, 2020
I believe my 5 month chicken has gapeworm. She's been gasping like she can't breathe, beak open and making a weird noise. I've been doing some research on this and I'm finding conflicting information on what type of medicine I should be giving her. A person recommended Valbazen or Safeguard (which I purchased the pellet form) but I'm also seeing that Panacur or Ivermetin should be used. More confusing then I read that Flubenol or Aviverm is the correct medicine. So I'm trying to get what I would really need and would work to help her. Some of these medicines aren't sold at TSC or Southern States. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I believe my 5 month chicken has gapeworm. She's been gasping like she can't breathe, beak open and making a weird noise. I've been doing some research on this and I'm finding conflicting information on what type of medicine I should be giving her. A person recommended Valbazen or Safeguard (which I purchased the pellet form) but I'm also seeing that Panacur or Ivermetin should be used. More confusing then I read that Flubenol or Aviverm is the correct medicine. So I'm trying to get what I would really need and would work to help her. Some of these medicines aren't sold at TSC or Southern States. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Gapeworm is pretty rare in BYC. Take a cotton swab and swab her throat to confirm before you treat. Otherwise you might be dealing with a respiratory ailment which a dewormer will not help
Have you checked her throat? She may just have something hung in there.
Does she have any signs of respiratory problems? (Discharge from eyes, nose, wheezing, etc.?)
I believe gapeworms can be seen as red stringy like things. I think I've read somewhere on BYC that you can use a Qtip to swab the throat and you will see the gapeworms on the qtip.
Gapeworm is pretty rare in BYC. Take a cotton swab and swab her throat to confirm before you treat. Otherwise you might be dealing with a respiratory ailment which a dewormer will not help
We tried to swab yesterday but were unsure how far down to go? I was going by her signs/symptoms in her gasping and choking sound. She does not have any fluid coming from her beak.
Have you checked her throat? She may just have something hung in there.
Does she have any signs of respiratory problems? (Discharge from eyes, nose, wheezing, etc.?)
I believe gapeworms can be seen as red stringy like things. I think I've read somewhere on BYC that you can use a Qtip to swab the throat and you will see the gapeworms on the qtip.
Yup :thumbsup she could have something stuck in her throat, sour crop or respiratory. It's best to determine what is wrong before throwing meds at it.
We tried to swab yesterday but were unsure how far down to go? I was going by her signs/symptoms in her gasping and choking sound. She does not have any fluid coming from her beak.
You dont need to go in that deep. Just swab the back of the throat. If you dont see worms check her breath for odor and feel the crop. Without nasal discharge I doubt respiratory
Have you checked her throat? She may just have something hung in there.
Does she have any signs of respiratory problems? (Discharge from eyes, nose, wheezing, etc.?)
I believe gapeworms can be seen as red stringy like things. I think I've read somewhere on BYC that you can use a Qtip to swab the throat and you will see the gapeworms on the qtip.
No discharge from eyes or beak. Wheezing hard to determine bc she has her neck stretched like she's having a hard time breathing. I'm just wondering how far to stick the qtip in and being able to look down her throat?
Yup :thumbsup she could have something stuck in her throat, sour crop or respiratory. It's best to determine what is wrong before throwing meds at it.
Thanks @Ninjasquirrel quirrel
A fun experience.
I was once just absolutely sure one of mine had some horrible respiratory problem (that came on suddenly). I caught her up to seperate her and she hacked up a chunk of bark in my hand. Yuk. Problem solved, no meds. Lol.
No discharge from eyes or beak. Wheezing hard to determine bc she has her neck stretched like she's having a hard time breathing. I'm just wondering how far to stick the qtip in and being able to look down her throat?
Just swab the back of the throat. You dont need to go all the way down. Swab it like you would swab your own throat. I tried to find a video for you but I could not. Honestly if you dont have pheasants and your birds arent eating slugs and snail chances are they dont have gapeworm. This is a quick test that will eliminate any concern. It's more of a streep throat test than a covid test if that makes sense
Thanks @Ninjasquirrel quirrel
A fun experience.
I was once just absolutely sure one of mine had some horrible respiratory problem (that came on suddenly). I caught her up to seperate her and she hacked up a chunk of bark in my hand. Yuk. Problem solved, no meds. Lol.
I was certain one of mine had a reproductive illness once. I picked her up and got ready to treat her and then she laid an egg followed by a giant poop all over me. She was fine after that. Sometimes you think you're having a heart attack and sometimes its just gas :gig

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