Gardeners, what kind of plant is this?

Ok dumb question.. is that the same plant that passion fruits come from? If so, I need one! Nothing grows here though, other than cactus and tumbleweeds.
There are hundreds of species of Passiflora, including the commercially available "passion fruit." Surprisingly, a few years ago, I chanced along a Maypop (P. incarnata) along one of our "rails to trails" paths. Usually a plant of the southeast, it is hardy in more northerly climes though it dies down the the ground in the winter. The flowers of the Maypop are just as lovely as the ones of tropical vines. Smaller fruit, but delicious.

Your local nurseries should know whether any of the passion vines will thrive in your area. Do keep in mind that if they can, they may be invasive. A friend in S. California has a vine that grows across her fence, up in the trees, along the ground & keeps going. Lots of fruit, but it can be a pest.

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