geese adopting duckling

They very well might. It depends a lot on the temperment of the geese involved. As a kid I had a human imprinted Embden gander (positive that I was at least his brother) who at 4 or 5 years of age adopted some goslings that I brought home. Once he saw and heard them he immediately became their guardian and decided that he would rather be a goose than a human.
They very well might. It depends a lot on the temperment of the geese involved. As a kid I had a human imprinted Embden gander (positive that I was at least his brother) who at 4 or 5 years of age adopted some goslings that I brought home. Once he saw and heard them he immediately became their guardian and decided that he would rather be a goose than a human.
what a cute story, my Embden gander was Papa goose to every Muscovy duckling that hatched here this last summer it was so sweet.

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