Gender and Breed?


In the Brooder
Sep 6, 2023
Hi, I hatched a few mixed breed chicken eggs that I purchased. They are now 4 weeks old. The breeder free ranged all of her chickens together, including, but not limited to Orpington, Sussex, RIR, Frizzle, Leghorn, Plymouth, Silkie and Bantam. I’m looking for advice on gender and also get some breed guesses based on above info. I don’t have all of the chickens pictured, I just took photos of what I could with a baby and a toddler running around but will try to photograph the second lot for identification later.

#1 Pullet? Part RIR?
#2 pullet? Maybe part Plymouth?

#3 pullet?

#4 Roo!?

#5 Roo?

#6 pullet?
#7 Roo?

#8 roo?
For now, I think I agree with all your gender guesses. But I wouldn't be positive about the pullets until they are a bit older. Slow-maturing cockerels could become obvious at a later age.

For breed guesses:
The breeder free ranged all of her chickens together, including, but not limited to Orpington, Sussex, RIR, Frizzle, Leghorn, Plymouth, Silkie and Bantam.
Certain traits will indicate some of the parents:

--feathered feet mean a parent with feathered feet
--a crest of feathers on the head means a parent with a crested head.
--an extra toe on one or both feet means a parent with an extra toe
--frizzled feathers mean a parent with frizzled feathers.

Comb type will sometimes indicate parents. A single comb can come from just about any parents. But any other comb type means at least one parent has a non-single comb. I only see single combs in your photos, so they don't point to any specific breed being the parent.

Silkies have many of those traits (feathered feet, crested head, extra toe, non-single comb.) Silkie-mix chicks tend to be pretty obvious, and I don't see any in the photos you posted so far.

#1, I agree it looks like part Rhode Island Red. It has a few feathers on the feet, so I would expect one parent to have foot feathers too, probably more feathers than what the chick has.

#2 I'm not sure about. By "Plymouth" I assume you mean Barred Plymouth Rock. (Plymouth Rocks are a breed that comes in many other colors as well.) I might expect more black on a chick that has one Barred Plymouth Rock parent, but crossing with some of the other breeds on the list might produce a chick with that much white as well.

#3 and #4 look like Buff Orpingtons to me. They might even be pure Buff Orpingtons, if the breeder had a rooster and hen of that breed.

#5 might have a Barred Plymouth Rock parent. That is the color of chick I might expect from Barred Plymouth Rock crossed with some of the other breeds on that list.

#6 and #8 I have no idea at present.

#7 looks very much like a Delaware. Some crosses can also look like that, so I can't be sure whether it actually is one or not. (If the breeder has a Delaware hen AND a Delaware rooster, it might be. Otherwise it is a mix of some sort.)

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