Gender Guess? 18/19 week Red Sex Links and Barred Rocks


6 Years
May 9, 2013
Beautiful NorthEast Pennsylvania
This is our first ever flock so we are anxiously awaiting either crows or eggs! No one is crowing yet.. No eggs yet. (I know it's still a lil early though for eggs.) No sign of spurs.. Three of them love to 'nest' in the grass, nesting boxes and dirt (as you can see with Sally! lol) but the differences in combs/waddles has us wondering.. Though I know some will turn red not long before they lay. They are 3 red sex links and 3 barred rocks, approx. 18/19 weeks old. All are very friendly. Thanks bunches for all the opinions! =)

They all look like pullets to me!
Lucky has some pretty red wattles but based on body shape I'd still say hen.
Thanks! That's what we were thinking too.. but then a few of them started getting those beautiful combs and wattles, so I wasn't so sure! (They 'waddle' too.. lolol.. I swear, sometimes my fingers are faster than my brain.)
All look like girls to me. Based on their color I am betting either Sally or Lucy lays the first egg.
I agree, those are all pullets. The red, large plump comb is a sign of sexual maturity and eggs incoming. Shouldn't be more than a month for some of those girls.

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