Gender of frizzle and breed of Silkie mix


5 Years
Apr 29, 2014
I hatched some of my own eggs back in February. Out of all the chicks I kept a little brown frizzle and one of my Silkie mixes. I obviously know the father of the frizzle is my Cochin frizzle and the father of my Silkie mix is my Silkie rooster. I'm not sure who the moms are of either of my "pullets" and I'm hoping someone can help me figure out who it could be. I'm also unsure of the gender of the little frizzle. Comb is not red and she does not seem to be walking upright but she hangs out with one of my younger roosters I'm trying to rehome every day.

Silkie Mix






Possible moms of both of them are silver laced Wyandotte, salmon favorelle, partridge Plymouth Rock, buff Orpington, or light brahma. The rest of my girls either lay different colored eggs or were not laying at the time.
I hatched some of my own eggs back in February. Out of all the chicks I kept a little brown frizzle and one of my Silkie mixes. I obviously know the father of the frizzle is my Cochin frizzle and the father of my Silkie mix is my Silkie rooster. I'm not sure who the moms are of either of my "pullets" and I'm hoping someone can help me figure out who it could be. I'm also unsure of the gender of the little frizzle. Comb is not red and she does not seem to be walking upright but she hangs out with one of my younger roosters I'm trying to rehome every day.

Silkie Mix


Possible moms of both of them are silver laced Wyandotte, salmon favorelle, partridge Plymouth Rock, buff Orpington, or light brahma. The rest of my girls either lay different colored eggs or were not laying at the time.

Both are pullets! What colours are your roosters?
My Cochin frizzle rooster is black and has a few red feathers on his wings and my Silkie is white.
I hope you guys are right about the frizzle! We swore her dad was a girl until he suddenly crowed at 10 months old. Up until then he had us fooled!
Thank you Wyandottes7. I'm happy we got such cuties out of our first batch of hatching our own eggs!

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