Genesis Hova Bator and turner in Nor Cal

Yes, they are 1588's. But without going into a lot of detail regarding another member, because I was led to believe they were sold, I went ahead and paid for something based on this money that has now not materialized after several days. Now I NEED to sell them today. I now wish I had been open to shipping, but like I said, hind sight is 20/20.
Ok..... I guess there was a misunderstanding. I was too hasty in saying they weren't going to be picked up and for making it look like she had flaked. I am really sorry for that!!! I guess I really blew it!
If you can wait on my soon to kid doe I'll take them. I could meet you tomorrow or when it was convenient. I'd pay extra to have you meet me half way? I hate driving Sacto. Vicki

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