Getting a Great Pyrenees Tomorrow!


14 Years
Jun 27, 2008
Jacksonville, FL
Ok, so I have been looking for a dog to protect my livestock. I have ALOT of Chickens, ducks, quails, and two goats that will hopefully be mulitplying to a "few" goats by spring. My friends that have a goat and some pigs and ducks and chickens have been looking for a pyrenees. I saw someone giving two young 3.5 month old females away because they sold there goats. I called her for my friends. I have never had a pyrenees before or any kind of shepherd dog. The lady that owns them has 27 acre farm and lots of chickens and horses and dogs and had a herd of goats. She also has 4 small children. (I have a almost 3 yr old child). I talked with her all about her dogs and then done some reseach and read all about them on the web. My friends only want one dog and the lady does not want one to be left behind. I have decided to take the docile, more laid back one that is wonderful with her two smallest daughters. My friends that have the goat and mini farm want the other one. We are picking them up tomorrow, I am excited. This sounds like the perfect dog for us. My beagle is only good at what he's bred for, hunting. Big foot could come on my property and eat us all up and he would just look disturbed that he was awakin from his napping.

Does anyone have any good stories or pics of their pyrenees that they would like to share? I knew pyrenees were bred to do exactly what i was looking for in a dog, i am always just skeptical of things i have no previoius experience with (this breed). And a dog is a HUGE comitment to me.
I'll know more tomorrow when I pick mine up...
He just started his 17th week.


OMG I cannot believe how good he is, I have never seen a dog so calm especially a puppy, he was great for a 2.5 hour car ride, didn't puke or anything, just layed around and watched the birds outside, came in and calmly made a few rounds thru the house, then plopped down and went to sleep, no accidents inside, and only chewed up a pencil my son left on the floor.

I am not easily impressed, this dog has done so. the only thing is he doesn't like a leash, if thats the only thing to complain about, I really lucked out.
I have been SOO pleased with Aimee so far. Both girls were severly starved and they are only 3.5 months old. Aimee has eaten bowls and bowls and bowls of puppy chow. She can't get enough. I let her eat as much as she wants, usually at least three or more times per day. I wormed her today too. She is SOOOO calm. Nothing bothers her, she is sweet as pie and her and my beagle love each other..Never saw my beagle act more his age, 2 instead of Thanks for the pics. I will take pics of aimee tomorrow and post them.
You might want to consider NOT letting the puppy eat as much and whenever she chooses. I believe you will be happier if the puppy is on a schedule with eating and pottying. Some recommend large breed puppy food.

Here's a picture of Fluffy guarding the chicken tractor from Molly.


I'm sure you read this already, but don't forget to:

1) Make sure the fences are in good shape.
2) Socialize the new puppy frequently with the other animals and people.
3) Batten down the hatches for the terrible 1 to 1.5 yrs period

4) Learn to love that low frequency bark

Pyr People, did I miss anything??

Thanks for the info!
She is sort of on a schedule, she gets about 3 meals aday right now. i'm trying to get her to a healthy weight since she was so imaciated when I got her on thursday night. She was skin and bones and was loosing hair because of her body's defense mechanism. It was so sad. She eats like every meal may be her last. She has not had one moment of anxiety or transitioning period since she got here. She has been happy since the first moment And acts like she is always happy. I don't know if that's to do with the full tummy or what.

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