Getting Goat kids

I thought i saw an ad for him on craigslist, I was almost tempted to call you about him since i was already near your area visiting family! But then i remembered I have way too many goats as it is lol 😅 I loved his cute floppy ears though, glad he found a good home to go to~!
Ohhhh, he was on CL, the people who bought him, well, there was a mix up with the check...and I just didn’t get the ad down. You should’ve come down!! I’d have loved to meet someone from here face to face!! Next time, don’t think twice...just come visit!! I won’t leave with any goats! :lau
Yesterday we had to make two trips to bring everything home from the auction. We bought sooooo much. A beautiful chicken tractor..10’x12’...a hay baler..a spindle for my goats! I couldn’t wait to roll that huge toy out for them! Two jumped up right away. The small kids are too little yet
, but soon they’ll be all over it!! I love to watch them all romp and play free range. They are figuring out the boundaries pretty well. Sometimes they follow me to the house, but if I ignore them, they run back to their zone. They are a wild bunch!! I could sell it all tomo if I had to..but never the goats. I will never live without goats again!!
@chickens really, have the ducks left yet? How are you doing? I was ok the first day...sad the next...still carried my egg basket out for three days. I just reserved 4 Muscovies.., about two weeks or so. The lady wants them to be a week old when I get them. She’s hop8n* for a lavender...the drake is. I get first choice!!
Afternoon all was really cold this morning ... Turned into quite warm day
did allot in the garden getting the tires we bought placed a couple filled
will get lots more dirt tomorrow have to get wood to enlarge my small coop
as it was a grow out coop now it house up to a dozen birds
@chickens really, have the ducks left yet? How are you doing? I was ok the first day...sad the next...still carried my egg basket out for three days. I just reserved 4 Muscovies.., about two weeks or so. The lady wants them to be a week old when I get them. She’s hop8n* for a lavender...the drake is. I get first choice!!
No..She decided to buy hatching eggs instead. She offered to only come for my white Calls. I'll hatch and sell a few more I guess..👍🐥

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