Getting Goat kids

Hello everyone one. I have another question..😀
My husband bought me alfalfa pellets for my goats. Can I feed them some daily or not at all? Or as a treat?
Oh geez, alfalfa pellets are a staple for my goats!! I can’t really get the hay around here, so I use the pellets as a replacement. They love them. When starting a new feed..go slowly. Gives the rumen time to adjust. But I typically give my goats pellets plus grain through the winter. Then in the summer just the pellets. If your Honey ever gets bred she’ll need to go on the alfalfa pellets during, 3rd month? That’s so the kids don’t get too big. Then after kidding you need to load them back with grains..if you do that, I can give you a great mix....but, it helps them gain again and they need many more calories while nursing, and if you plan to milk? Not sure if fainting are great milk goats...I think they are more of a pet/meat goat....but...I’m not into the eating if goats...I love them wayyyyy too much!! As for alfalfa cubes. They are a good treat...BUT, buy a small bag. I bought 50 lbs, put them in a tote. The6 got stale..the buggers won’t touch them...neither will the rabbits or the pigs. :(
Hello everyone one. I have another question..😀
My husband bought me alfalfa pellets for my goats. Can I feed them some daily or not at all? Or as a treat?
I was told never to feed my wethers or bucks (unless in rut and breeding) Alfalfa pellets. Mostly because all that extra calcium will cause their urine to crystlize and that's how they get blocked and unable to pass urine. I give my does some pellets mixed with their sweet feed everyday though
I was told never to feed my wethers or bucks (unless in rut and breeding) Alfalfa pellets. Mostly because all that extra calcium will cause their urine to crystlize and that's how they get blocked and unable to pass urine. I give my does some pellets mixed with their sweet feed
everyday though
Oh, thanks for the information..I’ll only give it once in awhile as a treat.
Oh yeah...I know you do...Ive seen them playing MANY times...and heard about their lovely walks...aren’t those dog pens 6’ high? Hows she jumping that?
She can't get out of that. When in the goat yard being its hilly she was able to jump up on the top of the Run. She is bad. Today I hope to finally have the yard goat proof and she won't escape? :fl
I have everything I need here. I just need my son to finish it for me..👍🙄😳

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