Getting hens for first time!!!!!


6 Years
May 1, 2013
So tomorrow I'm hoping to get australorps! Is there any tips that you could share, in order to ensure my new layers settle in just fine and dandy
Congrats on getting your first flock! I'd suggest keeping the hens in the coop/run for the first week so they will learn where "home" is before you free range them (if you are planning on free ranging them that is). Spent time with them and give them treats now and then to help win their trust and friendship. There are also lots of good tips and info in the Learning Center. Enjoy your hens!
Cheers! I got two isa browns today! Il keep them in the coop area for a week! I'm planning on getting more browns and hopefully some Rhode Island / New Hampshire soon too!
This is not really a reply, kind of a warning. I got six "hens" from a poultry farm in Michigan and today I found out that one of them is a rooster. He is a Black Australorp. If anybody wants him, I would love to resell him. He is about 18 weeks old. He crowed four times in a row this morning. I live in a neighborhood and am pretty sure my neighbors will not tolerate a rooster. Any suggestions?

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