Getting keets to go in coop...


5 Years
Feb 10, 2014
I have 4 keets just over a month old. I have moved them out to a coop with a secure run. I have seen them go up and down the ramp during the day, but they wont go inside to roost at night! Instead they lay in the grass and chip loudly!!!I have to go in the run, catch them (now thats fun!) and put each one in the coop. Is there a way to get them to go in at night???
With keets, it sometimes takes them a while to 'get it' (they're not the smartest pegs in the bunch).
Once they catch on that it's nicer inside the coop, they'll go inside every night.
Just make sure you have roosts that are high and it's not too hot inside the coop at night.

Last year I had the opposite problem.
I wanted my guineas to stop roosting inside the coop and start roosting outside in the trees or in the rafters of the pole barn.
So EVERY night I had to grab them one at a time (and I had 15) and put climb a step ladder (while holding onto the guinea) and place each one on a roost inside the pole barn.
This lasted maybe a week or two. It was a nightmare but I was determined.
Now they all roost outside.
So it is possible to "train" guineas! LOL

Good luck!
Ok, I dont actually have Guinea's yet but I have been reading a lot about them. One thing I read was a lady used some long sticks to herd them into the coop. Also read that giving a special treat at night time when you want them to go in there. I know they aren't smart but I am guessing repetition would work wonders. I would work on it 3 times a day until they are pro's.

Good luck!
With keets, it sometimes takes them a while to 'get it' (they're not the smartest pegs in the bunch).
Once they catch on that it's nicer inside the coop, they'll go inside every night.
Just make sure you have roosts that are high and it's not too hot inside the coop at night.

Last year I had the opposite problem.
I wanted my guineas to stop roosting inside the coop and start roosting outside in the trees or in the rafters of the pole barn.
So EVERY night I had to grab them one at a time (and I had 15) and put climb a step ladder (while holding onto the guinea) and place each one on a roost inside the pole barn.
This lasted maybe a week or two.  It was a nightmare but I was determined.
Now they all roost outside.
So it is possible to "train" guineas!  LOL

Good luck!
you sound as onery as me...

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