Getting new chickens, but what kind


12 Years
Apr 19, 2007
I have allways had banties and now i want chickens that are colorfull and lay big brown eggs. I was thinking about getting RIRs and Cuckoo Marans. Are they good layers and setters. The choices seem to be endless. Any suggestions.
Unless you get exhibition lines of RIR they will not set--the production strains have had that instinct bred out of them. Personally I do NOT like the breed: mean birds.

Brahmas will give you huge brown eggs and are friendly and personable. They will set.
Everyone has their favs--but I personally like my Buff Orpingtons the best of all my chickens. My Roo is sweet and the Hens lay pretty brown eggs. Also Ameraucana's lay beautiful eggs and they are friendly. I don't like the RIR either--I think many other varieties would be a better choice.

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