Getting rid of cockerels, need definitive answer on this one


May 9, 2020
Southern Ohio, US
Almost 6 week old BOs.
I'm 99.9% sure this one is a boy but just want to hear it from someone else! 😄 Body type is the same as the other cockerel that I'm sure about, (Shorter body and shorter/less fluffy tail than the pullets right now.) however, his/her comb and wattles aren't QUITE as red as the confirmed cockerel (however a little darker than this picture turned out), but otherwise, looks identical.
This is the one I want confirmation on:

Here is other confirmed cockerel for comparison - same age.

Thanks!! 😊
Thanks, guys! That .01% of me just needed the confirmation before I listed them!! Of course they're two of our favorites!! ☹ Ah well, such is life!!
Are they favorites because they come up to you first? Friendly? That's bold, not friendly, all too often. last year I had one BO cockerel, and when he went into the main coop with the adults, he got smacked down, and a lot more humble. It was funny! He ran up to a bantam hen, and she nailed him, then another hen and got whapped again! After his third or fourth try, it was all over, and he tried politeness instead.
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Are they favorites because they come up to you first? Friendly? That's bold, not friendly, all too often. last year I had one BO cockerel, and when he went into the main coop with the adults, he got smacked down, and a lot more humble. It was funny! He ran up to a bantam hen, and she nailed him, then another hen and got wpapped again! After his third or fourth try, it was all over, and he tried politeness instead.
Lol! 🤣 That IS funny!! The one in the bottom has come into his more rooster-y tendencies quicker than the one in the first picture, and I feel like he is the more dominant one. I have a pullet who is bigger than him and he will go after her first thing in the morning to assert his dominance, she lets him do it..shrieking, but I saw the less dominant cockerel try and she chased him right off. 😂
I agree with you, its boldness I'm interpreting as friendliness. It will no doubt be a problem when they are full grown roosters, and that helps me in the mindset that they have to go. Lol
Next year, when you have adult hens, consider trying again with some cockerels, and decide to like the one who avoids you instead...
This is good advice, thank you! 😊❤ The little that I've read on rooster behavior here, tells me that my bold cockerels are going to be pains in the butts when they're older..probably because of behavior I encouraged! 😬

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