Getting Rid of Extra Roosters Guilt...Help me Manage My Flock.


13 Years
Mar 26, 2011
Alright I'm not exactly supposed to have roosters at our new property, we just bought this house and its in the suburbs, I guess. But its on the edge of a development and if you drive for two or three minutes you're out of the city limits. There are also at least three other large roosters surrounding us (I only keep bantams) and there are horses and farms just down the road a bit. I came from a farm with three acres so I was used to the farm life.This is the first in five that I've lived in a subdivision or whatever its called and now I'm just getting adjusted. Now I'll try to get to the main point:

For the amount of land I should only have 13.1 (I say that's 14) chickens and I have 21 if I had a whole acre it would be 30 chickens, but I have .2 something less than half an acre. I've been trying to get rid of 6 or 7 silkies for the last month with no luck of getting rid of the dang silkie rooster with the hens or the rooster alone. But the silkie rooster only crows if he sees light and he's so poofy he can barley see. My splash silkie hen went broody (setting eggs right now) to/because this rooster and I think she's in love and very attached, but I'd like to keep her.

For the count that's one rooster I'm still and already have been trying to re-home.

Then a week or two ago I bought 4 Old English Games, 3 hens and 1 rooster and a rosecomb hen (they were included in the 21 bird headcount)...well this rooster did and still does look amazing for show. Here's the thing he's wild and flighty and not dubbed for show. He also crows a lot but it cuts out in the middle because he's so tiny his crow is too high pitched. He tends his ladies very well but he crows way to often for me to get away with it, so I posted him and one or two of the OEGB hens (buyer's choice) to go with him two days luck yet. The OEGB hens are all nutty except one, the one I want to keep and the rosecomb is semi okay and I plan to keep her. These are also smaller than my serama and therefore are the smallest chickens I've ever owned that are full grown.

For the count that's two roosters I'm still and already have been trying to re-home. And that's a grand total of seven or eight hens I'm trying to re-home.

My only other rooster is my silver sebright Jingle. He really needs to molt and re-grow his feathers if I'm ever going to show him but he's clean if that counts for anything. He is one of four chickens from my 2nd flock that I still own. I really like this rooster but he likes to echo the OEGB trying to poof up bigger. He can be a loud mouth, but when he crows he crows all at one time and then he stops for rest of the day, or until right when they go to roost. I plan on keeping him and he has a hen broody to him too, Jangle my golden sebright hen whom I am defiantly keeping. ... I sometimes have mixed feelings as to his quality to show.

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Then there's going to be the chicks that hatch from the two broodies, they are going to be so SQ and I will need layers - my current hens are 1.5+ and I just bought the whole flock so their ages are disputable. Then I have some really really nice Lavender Ameraucana and paint/splash silkie eggs in my incubator...which I plan on pulling a couple pullets of each from, I want the blue eggs and the high quality silkies to breed into my Hatricks line since I'm ditching my current rooster because I'm keeping four of his chicks.

And then on top of all of that I've wanted a cornish hen to show for a long time, and the people that I got the OEGBs from had two pairs, when I called this morning asking if I could pay double for one of the hens they told me why they couldn't split them up...they would have to shoot their extra roosters and I had broken a pair up when I bought my rosecomb hen...they are coming into town next week and could deliver me more chickens if I wanted them, they are only $5 each, when I went their the first time they were over an hour away and I payed to have my chicken transporter to take me there. When I went to the farm I saw those cornish banties he had, I loved the lighter one, and the other hen was crap but the roosters were okay. I know I want that hen but should I save one of the roosters' lives?

I can have a max of two roosters and I'm breaking that rule right now but I've already been trying to get rid of two...What Should I do or is there advice for my situation? I don't let the chickens out of their shed until after 8:30AM and I've got stuff on all my neighbors - aggressive dogs, dogs that yowl all night, yappers screaming kids and a cruddy yard...most of them have mean or yappy dogs, even some ankle biters where I'm afraid to walk my dogs or have a cat. I'm rooster - threat proof where I am. Also note that I understand that I shouldn't have this many roosters...I just like chickens so much :)
Well, you really know what you must do. It's only a matter of time until some spoil sport complains. The alternative would be to relocate.
Sorry - I got a bit lost. You have how many roosters now? And you're allowed how many roosters? How many chickens altogether? Let's start there. On to the second part of your post. No. You should not "save a rooster's life". You already have more than you are supposed to, and are looking to rehome at least on of them. What those people do with their extra roosters is their business. I would also question if they really shoot them or are just saying that to get you to do exactly what you are suggesting. You have no reason to feel guilty about buying hens only from these people. Maybe you could find some good chicken recipes to pass along to them so when you pick up a hen the extra rooster won't go to waste after they shoot it.
Hmm its difficult as your loyalty should be to the birds you have, and perhaps rehoming the ones that need to go before getting anymore.

That being said.

Where I am there are several vegan centres, they take animals in on a no kill policy. You could possibly look to see if there is any nearby and ask them to take your rehome birds?

They will come around again, if they are that cheap I guess you need to ask why etc...

Okay so I have a grand total of 21 chickens. I have a grand total of three roosters, 1 white silkie, 1 BBR OEGB and 1 Silver Sebright.

I'm allowed two roosters by my own standard, but I'm so close to the city borders that a lot of people in the area have a lot roosters and other noisy farm animals. Any other questions? I feel better about the rooster with a good recipe card.
I'm trying to figure out why you are STILL shopping for birds? Even if you lived on a larger lot, you're fast approaching the higher 30 bird limit.

My advice would be to cull the flock you have (selling is still culling) and stop brooding clutches and stop shopping for more! You have 7 extra birds, don't know why it would matter how many of them are roosters. You'd still have too many birds for your property.

Sadly, it's things like this that make towns reluctant to allow birds anyway. (Same goes for bad dog owners and any other kind of animal owner). Breaking the rules makes the whole group look bad.
I do see your point but I'm not a bad owner at all...just getting adjusted to the city life and slowly culling the flock I had bought a week before we moved here. I wasn't aware that I had a little less than half an acre, if it were .2 bigger everything would change and I could have a lot more birds.

I'm think I will just sell all the broodies' chicks...I also wanted to throw in that all of my banties are 1/3 the size of normal chickens and are oddly petite so I kinda had the thought of do really tiny chickens count as a whole - you should see the size of these OEGBs. Smaller than a pop can.

The guy I got and could get more birds from has them for $5 each because he's going on a trip with his family out of the country and won't be there to feed the chickens.

My city isn't very harsh with rules and as far as I know that's the only thing I'm doing bad dog doesn't bark when people are at the door or nip at people, my cats love people and like to be picked up and my chickens are (except the OEGB) and very people friendly and what not. Kids have been coming to my house saying "hey you were ahead of the petting zoo! can we pet the chickens?!" and I'd take them to the coop and they'd freely pick up one and hug and then they would go out the gate and say "thanks!" so...people really like all my chickens.

Did I mention that I love to show my chickens? I thought about keeping them in those serama kind of stacked cages?
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