Getting rid of my rooster! :(

I am glad your son handled it well. My daughter is wayyyyyy sensitive and could never find out we culled Fred. She is a born animal lover/protector/rescuer at age 7, and we made the decision to tell her Fred "went to the farm".

As far as letting your girls free range, I still would. I let them out the very next day...We also have a healthy hawk population, and I have seen some hawks many times sitting above the trees right across from our property...We have never had a problem. We also have lots of critters around, and places for the girls to hide. It has been 6 months(over winter too)...I would think if the hawks were going to eat our chickens, that they would have already tried but maybe we are just lucky.I am sure your girls will be fine and will adjust quickly. Also, I do not think any of my girls are the leader...they have their clicks/leaders according to who was raised in the brooder together, but the group as a whole does not seem to have a leader.

I have always had a theory that becasue our property is up against the Dunes Lakeshore(protected forest area), and a train separates it, that it scares away would-be predators. A train passes by every 30 minutes or so...right past our coop, along our yard. The girls are used to it, as are we but maybe the noise/vibration scares away the others.

let us know how the girls are adjusting!
Thank You I will. Today was fine. They seemed to go on as usual. Minus the running from the rooster in the morning! I don't think they miss him very much!
I got a rooster when he was 1yo.Free off of craigs. Just had to go to PA to get him.
He has never attacked me. I have chased him,caught him,caged him,and petted him.He has tolerated it all.I am glad,because he has some HUGE spurs.

I think it is just the rooster,and not that all roosters go through a hormonal *attack* stage as young adults. I would get rid of an attacking rooster too. I hope your next roo will be nicer.
A little bit but I did not think they would get over it quite that quickly!
Got another question if yall will indulge me. It is completely off topic but I am having surgery this month and need to get the flock OK so my husband can handle them without me. I have never mixed a flock together. I have chicks (probably 2 months old) and they have been roosting with a fence in between, alongside the 1 yr old flock for a few weeks, since they moved outside. I let them mingle today. I did not plan on attempting this so soon, but with the rooster gone (he was VERY aggressive with the chicks) I thought maybe I would try to get over the new pecking order at one time. My Wyandottes, which I thought would be nasty ignored them pretty much but my lowest in the pecking order Araucana kept attacking them. I kept watch and stepped in when I felt she was going too far. The Wyandottes have been fairly mean to the Araucana since she was broody (nothing came of the eggs, they died so I took them away and turned her back into the rest of the flock) they peck her and chase a little when she comes close. The flock free ranges everyday but need to roost together and it has been a misery since the Araucana joined the flock again. Is this how it usually goes? Should I just keep doing what I did today in hopes it will calm down in the next few weeks?
I would keep trying for a little each day, extending the time together longer as they get better with each other. I would also step in like you did if it gets too nasty. One thing I do when integrating a new bird, is to give tons of treats(make sure you have lots for everyone). I do not have a ton of experience with chickens, but have a lot of experience training dogs and so far it has worked. I try to get them to associate the new gal(s)in town = treats/reward.A simple, but effective concept.

Juts make sure you have plenty of roosting room available...I have found that helps. If you can add an extra roost, it would give the ones getting picked on somewhere to go if needed.

How long will you be out of commission with surgery? I am sure your hubby can handle it! If he is anything like mine, just make a list. Mine does well with lists, much better then if I would just tell him what I needed/etc.
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Just keep turning them out together. They need to sort out their pecking order. Your picked-on Araucana has apparently found someone she can dominate. I wouldn't interfere unless one gets pecked to the point of bleeding. Then you might want to cover the injury with Blu-Kote or something like it. (I've never used it myself, but there are those on the forum that swear by it) Just make sure they have plenty of room to get away, and places to get under that she can't follow. By letting them "mingle" did you let them all free range together, or were they in a pen? I think free ranging together would be your best bet. The younger ones can get away from the bully better. I'm sure your hubby will handle the chickens just fine, no matter what your set up is. If you need to keep them separated, just write down what you do in each pen. I discovered something this year. I went back to work full-time, and my DH has taken over the chicken chores. He doesn't do them like I do them, but they do get done, the chickens are all still alive, and when school is out and I'm off for the summer, things will get done the way I want them. Your chickens (and husband) will both get through it until you're back on your feet again.
I had the chicks in the pen with the door open and she would come in and attack and then go back out, and then come back and pick on them some more. The chicks would run right past the open coop door. They huddled in the corner of the coop. I put the chicks out by hand and they did range a little and then the Araucana was after them outside and I was afraid she would scatter them everywhere and I wouldnt be able to catch them. So I put them back in the pen and closed all the doors. The Araucana would pace the fence attempting to get a good peck in on them if they got close to the fence. I was hoping that the Araucana would find some good friends with the chicks as the Wyandottes are pretty snotty and hang together and dont let her be social with them very much. At some point the chicks will be bigger than the Araucana so maybe at that point she will be more civil and try to make friends.
I have one that is doing the same thing! He was a year in February and he is a big aracona. He follows me and I have to watch him because he's nailed ME a few times as well...the first time he did it I kind of laughed because I was wearing animal print pajama pants so I thought THAT was why but nope...he's just starting to do that. My hens dont even like him. I need to get rid of him but I'm having a problem with one of my other roosters and I think it's mareks disease...I dont want to infect somebody elses flock by giving him away. :( I'm not too afraid of him even tho he hits hard when he gets you...he weighs 8-10 lbs...he's a big boy....I have 4 little granddaughters and their Mom brings them over sometimes and if I'm not in the house they just come to the barn....I think "Bugz" would have a field day with those 4 little girls!

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