Getting some girlfriends for my drake! A few questions.


7 Years
Jan 13, 2013
Hello everybody! I'm new to BackYard Chickens but not to keeping chickens in the backyard; I've always had one manner of poultry or another wandering around back there. I have a Pekin drake named Casper (world's most cliche name! I swear I thought he was going to be brown when I named him that). I'm finally going to be able to get him some girlfriends this year and I'm very excited about it. I'm going to need to order soon but I have a few questions first.

Casper weighs 7 pounds at a healthy weight. He's a very small Pekin, and yes, I do praise my good fortune! I'd like to get a Buff and a Blue Swede duck, both of which have a listed weight range of 5-6.25 pounds. Would the weight difference be alright? I certainly wouldn't want my drake to hurt the ducks in his enthusiasm. I could get him a couple of Pekin girls instead, but where would be the fun in that?

Second question. In addition to two large ducks, I'd like to get a runner duck, just because I've always wanted a runner. If my drake also had two girls his size, would I still need to worry about him harming a smaller duck from excessive, ah, enthusiasm? I know that there would still be some messing around, but would it be too much for her with her being a smaller size? Advice?

Lastly, how old will the new girls need to be before I can let them be in the same enclosure with my drake? I have multiple enclosures/runs and it wont be a problem to keep them separated. I just wonder when would be a good time. Should I wait until the end of summer, regardless of the duck's age, just so my drake's hormones wont be in full swing when they're introduced? They can always be on either side of a fence until they're ready.

I'd appreciate any advice! I'm far more experienced with chickens than with ducks. Here's some pictures of Casper just for fun :)

Oh, I almost forgot. Will two or three ducks be enough for one drake? Do I need to worry about that drake-to-duck ratio if there's only one male in the group?
Hello everybody! I'm new to BackYard Chickens but not to keeping chickens in the backyard; I've always had one manner of poultry or another wandering around back there. I have a Pekin drake named Casper (world's most cliche name! I swear I thought he was going to be brown when I named him that). I'm finally going to be able to get him some girlfriends this year and I'm very excited about it. I'm going to need to order soon but I have a few questions first.

Casper weighs 7 pounds at a healthy weight. He's a very small Pekin, and yes, I do praise my good fortune! I'd like to get a Buff and a Blue Swede duck, both of which have a listed weight range of 5-6.25 pounds. Would the weight difference be alright? I certainly wouldn't want my drake to hurt the ducks in his enthusiasm. I could get him a couple of Pekin girls instead, but where would be the fun in that?
The weight difference should be okay since he's small.
Second question. In addition to two large ducks, I'd like to get a runner duck, just because I've always wanted a runner. If my drake also had two girls his size, would I still need to worry about him harming a smaller duck from excessive, ah, enthusiasm? I know that there would still be some messing around, but would it be too much for her with her being a smaller size? Advice?
Again, the weight should be okay but I would keep an eye on a runner just in case. If you notice any problems, someone may need to be rehomed.
Lastly, how old will the new girls need to be before I can let them be in the same enclosure with my drake? I have multiple enclosures/runs and it wont be a problem to keep them separated. I just wonder when would be a good time. Should I wait until the end of summer, regardless of the duck's age, just so my drake's hormones wont be in full swing when they're introduced? They can always be on either side of a fence until they're ready.
They need to be adult size so 3-4 months should work. If you are getting day olds, make sure they are sexed so you get girls, brood them then when they are ready to be outside have them in an enclosure where he can see them. After they are big enough, introduce them but keep an eye out. It may not take that long you can try when they are younger but you need to be careful. Having not had any ducks around, he could take a little longer to figure things out. I wouldn't expect him to take to them immediately.
I'd appreciate any advice! I'm far more experienced with chickens than with ducks. Here's some pictures of Casper just for fun :)
He is a handsome fellow.
Read the "stickies" section that is at the top of the duck forum and make sure you are prepared for ducklings as they are a little different to raise than chicks.

Oh, I almost forgot. Will two or three ducks be enough for one drake? Do I need to worry about that drake-to-duck ratio if there's only one male in the group?
It should be okay but every drake is different. Yes, you still need to worry about the ratio even with one drake as some are more randy than others.
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Thank you very much for such a detailed reply. I'm so relieved to hear that 5 pounds shouldn't be too small and that a runner might be ok in the mix. When I learned that I wouldn't be able to get sexed Anconas I had already gotten my heart set on getting something more 'unusual' than more Pekins and was dismayed to realize just how large seven pounds is for a duck. It's a good thing I don't have a thirteen pound drake!

I'll go read the stickies now. I should have thought of that myself! :p
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Thank you! They never fail to make me smile.

Oh, few! I'm not the only one! ;)
Welcome to BYC!

I have runners and buffs, and would advise you consider going with slightly larger girls. The Swedish sounds like it would be a better match. What about a Rouen? Most of my runners are 3.5 to 4 pounds full grown, and my buff girls not much larger, Hazel is about 4.5 pounds, Carmella closer to 5. They are fed well, don't worry. Just letting you know there are some smaller buffs. (See eye candy below). There are blue and black Swedish, for a variety of color. Anconas and Cayugas are considered medium weight, too. Runners are a great breed, and with your smaller Pekin, it might work out, but just tossing out the idea that the size difference might be more than we guess. One never knows, though. My big runner girl Einz is around 5 pounds. She really stands out from the rest.



Sieben Portrait

Vier and Drei

Carmella and Hazel, Bean in background
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