Getting the babies used to their coop -- suggestions?

Thanks to you all! We decided to leave our chickens outside until dark and they are deciding that they want to go into the coop. We have coddled our chickens too much I think. They are smarter than we are. Anyway. I will tell you if we are totally sucessfull.

I'm sure they want to be warm and dry as much we would. :)
For about the first week we had to herd at least part of the chicks into the coop at night. The first time I put my chickens out I put them in the coop, that way they learn where it is from the start. After about a week everyone was either already in or headed in when we opened the run gate (except the 2 ducks who had trouble with the ramp...we had to catch them & put them in each night). Now that it's staying mostly above the 50's at night here I don't even worry about putting them in & closing the door. My run is secure, so no predator worries even at night. As for the ducks, they now have their own pen & a ground level duck box so they go in on their own now too.
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I will be putting my chicks in their coop soon. Most things I have read on this say to "lock" them in the coop for a week, NOT letting them outside so they understand inside the coop is a safe place. then you can open the door. I think I am going to do it this way because I am out in the boonies and I have a lot of wild animals so I need to make sure they know where to go when they are scared. Good luck.
I will be putting my chicks in their coop soon. Most things I have read on this say to "lock" them in the coop for a week, NOT letting them outside so they understand inside the coop is a safe place. then you can open the door. I think I am going to do it this way because I am out in the boonies and I have a lot of wild animals so I need to make sure they know where to go when they are scared. Good luck.

With a lot of wild animals, make sure your run is secure, too! Just having a coop to run and hide in won't protect them if something can run in there after them.
ramp I made from cardboard, figured it didn't need much else, just have the ability to go to the top, They were so fasinated with their new surroundings they haven't noticed it yet..Sure one of them will play king of the castle soon :)

OK, Don't know what day this is,,,probably 10. 2 nites ago we let them out into the yard about an hour before the Boogey man comes out. They were hesitant, but came out and foraged for a while. It was about 2 beers worth. Right before the Boogey man reared his ugly head, they went back in. They were stressed and making that sound.

The next day around noon we went out and as we approached the run, they ran to the door. 'Lemme out!!! Lemme out!!!' So we did. Forage, preen, sleep, then we herded them back in. Went out agin around 1:30 and let em out. Same routine. This time they went back in around 3:30. The hawks were crying out and they didn't even notice.

This evening they will be let out around 7:00, and I'm betting they go in right on time. Still no roosting bar action, but someday,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I want to thank this thread. Day 2 and they are in the coop without us chasing them around. I think that the ramp might be great in the brooder but our chickens would only use this to get out of the brooder. Anyway thanks for your help. We are on are way for a short time.
my little kiddos would go under the coop & cry like babies. they waited for me to put them one by one in the coop for about 3 or 4 nights. then magically they began to go in by themselves. tonight was night 3 & they were in the coop waiting for me to close the door. are they just little darlins?

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