getting the eggs hatched


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 11, 2014
How can I get the hens to sit on the eggs to hatch them? Should I mark them to know how old they are? I have two hens laying in the same box.
Marking them would be good with a pencil not marker.
You cant guarantee they will sit on them the whole 21 days if they are new at it.. Are they trying?
Usually they will set all day and night and not move much might to put food and water near to make it easier for them Sometime some get off to drink and eat. Mark your calendar 21 days fro m the day AFTER they started setting that will be hatch day
If you have an incubator I would crank it up in case they stop in the middle Some do. and you have to move the eggs to the bator for the remainder of the time
they can get off for a few hours but not for a day or 2.GOOD LUCK! I have a couple new girls setting too the last couple days Must know its the time of year!.
YOu cant make them set
Some breeds are better at it some not at all Silkies and Buff Orpingtons are good and im sure a few other breeds.
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