Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

With Mrs Oz being in the USA during the last week,the focus has been on tidying up and finishing some projects.

The grow out shelter has been completed. The building is made from four telephone posts on the corners and a bamboo frame with woven bamboo walls and a thatch roof. This is a common style house in the rural areas and more substantial than some. Unless a typhoon busts through, it will be good for several years - more than long enough for our purpose. My father in law has a similar structure next door that has been going strong for more than a year.

The shelter is 150sq ft with 120 ft of roost space and around 800 sq feet of yard.

It will house 150 crossbred chicks that will be thinned to around 90 birds. Sixty hens will move into the original coops as egg layers until the chicken mission. 30 roosters will learn how to get along while the remainder of the birds will become light and dark meat selections.

The scovie house got a new pond. The Pekins are going into a new shelter next door with its own pond. It took a back seat to weeding and planting 60 Ipil Ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) trees every 10 ft along the new fence line They are placed about 6 ft in from the fence. Its a fast growing legume that reaches 20ft in 2-3 years. Leucaena may be lightly grazed in the first year after seedling and heavy grazed when 3-year old and can be harvested every 12 weeks. My goal is to get a metric ton of leaves per year to supplement goat feeding. Its leaves are 23% protein. We also planted another 200 seeds to add aroubf 40-60 more trees in a second row.

Also planted were 10 Manunggay trees (Moringa oleifera) This tree's leaves are used by locals as a vegetable as well as a feed. Its 20% protein and very high in nutririents. The new 10 trees will make the total now to 22 with the goal of 40.

Upon Mrs Oz' return, all the birds 8-14 weeks will be vaccinated with their first dose of coryza vaccine and the 14-18 weekers will get their second dose.

The 1st stage piggery will be finished the following week. Its time to vaccinate the gilts Parvo Shiel in preperation for mating.

4 turkey's 2 duckling
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I wanted to share my baby with y'all... she'll actually be a week old tomorrow. Been busy, obviously, and we've had some health issues (nothing severe, more of a nuisance than anything).

Ms Amelia Eleanora (and her daddy)

Ach du gut, Congrats! I am so glad just minor issues! My goodness she is beautiful and what a blessing awwwweee,
My older sons I swear wont have kids until their 30's or 40's! But we have two weddings coming up very soon! I babysit and always have littles but I want my own grandbaby too!

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