Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

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Rhode Island Reds - 3 hens, 4 Roos, numerous chicks
Barred Rocks - 3 hens, 4 Roos, numerous chicks
Black Australorps - numerous Chicks
Jersey Giant - BBS - 2 hens, 2 Roos, numerous chicks
Jersey Giant - White - One roo
Buff Orps - 2 hens 1 roo, numerous chicks
BBS Orps - 6 hens 5 roos numerous chicks
White Rocks - Numerous chicks
Silver Pencilled Rocks - Numerous Chicks
White Leghorn - 2 hens 1 roo, numerous chicks
Brown Leghorn - 1 roo numerous chicks
Black Bresse - 1 roo, 2 chicks
Andalusians - 2 hens, 1 roo
Golden Sebright - 1 hen, 3 chicks
White Crested Black Polish - 5 chicks
Ameraucana - 3 chicks
Cuckoo Marans - 6 teenagers
Black Copper Marans - 6 chicks

I have to find 3 cream legbars, 4 salmon favs, a speckled sussex and 3 swedish flower hens that were not labeled before beinf mixed with a stack of mutts
I have to find 3 cream legbars, 4 salmon favs, a speckled sussex and 3 swedish flower hens that were not labeled before beinf mixed with a stack of mutts
Good luck with the hunt.
Our boar is off his food and very lethargic.

No other symptoms.

I am hoping its transient and a couple of shots of vit b complex will give him a boost.

The quail started hatching this morning. Chickens in a few days then chukar then guineas. Then the 200 eggs set last week

The front yard is looking good. No rain for three weeks now

Caprino was sucessful with atleast one doe.

The duck pen will get the skin off the hardwood trees we were given to mill. We ended up with 16 2x4x8, 10 2x3x8 16 2x2x8 and 30 lengths 4ft long various dimensions for about 40 bucks in chainsaw guy fees.


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